Natural Way Consulting Empowers Your Life Journey

Welcome to Natural Way Consulting! I’m Barron Cato a Certified Intuition Practitioner and Certified YogaBody Breath Coach who fuses breath work, our intuition, and the principle of following the natural flow of things to empower people to navigate life’s personal and professional complexities through simple, practical exercises.

I teach breath embodiment to help people manage their nervous system. I also train people how to use their intuition to walk in awareness throughout the day, knowing when and how to regulate their nervous system through their breath, and when to take the right action at the right time.

Imagine a life where you manage your nervous system, make decisions with confidence, and maintain a harmonious balance no matter what life brings.


Breath Training

“Breathing is so simple, and yet it’s effects is miraculous.” —Thich Nhat Hanh

I train people how to consciously use their breath for self care and mental control using YogaBody breath exercises. These simple, safe, and accessible breath exercises are informed by modern science and easily learned.

YogaBody breath work regulates our autonomic nervous system which balances and relaxes our bodies, tells our brain to calm and relax, and quiets the mind through the afferent connections of the vagus nerve.

Benefits of YogaBody Breath Work:

  1. Stress Reduction: Breath work activates the parasympathetic nervous system, triggering the body’s relaxation response.

  2. Calming Anxiety: Breath work promotes a calm and relaxed state, helping alleviate anxiety and ease feelings of apprehension or tension.

  3. Enhanced Mental Clarity: By calming the body and mind, breath work enhances mental clarity, focus, and cognitive function.

  4. Balanced Emotions: Regular practice of breath work can help regulate emotions fostering emotional balance.

  5. Enhanced Body Awareness: Breath work heightens body awareness, allowing individuals to better recognize and respond to bodily cures and sensations.

  6. Improved Sleep Quality: Stimulating the parasympathetic nervous system through breath work can enhance sleep patterns, aiding in achieving deeper and more restful sleep.

  7. Improved Digestion: A relaxed state induced by breath work supports optimal digestion.

Natural Mind Training

“When the nervous system of a human being is restored and refined, one becomes calm and objective” —Hua Hu Ching chapter 48

Building upon breath work, I train people how to develop and walk in a calm natural mind throughout the day.

Our natural mind is relaxed and allows one to go with the natural flow of life. It’s also balanced utilizing both the intuitive right and rational left brains to respond to life’s entanglements.

Benefits of Natural Mind:

  1. Enhanced Decision Making: Integrating intuitive and rational thinking empowers individuals to make more comprehensive and effective decisions in various aspects of life.

  2. Effective Problem Solving: Integrating logical and intuitive approaches equips individuals with diverse problem-solving skills, enabling them to tackle challenges more effectively.

  3. Improved Adaptability: People can navigate life’s challenges more effectively by embracing the natural flow of things, fostering adaptability in the the face of change.

  4. Increased Resilience: Cultivating natural mind helps in building resilience, enabling individuals to bounce back from setbacks and maintain stability during difficult times.

  5. Heightened Creativity: Balancing intuition and reason often sparks creativity, enabling individuals to find innovative solutions and think outside the box.

  6. Alignment with Purpose: Adopting a natural mind helps people align with their true purpose or values, leading to a more fulfilling and meaningful life.

Natural Meditation Workshops

“The Way is ever without action, yet nothing is left undone.” —Tao Te Ching chapter 37

Utilizing our breath and imagination, natural meditation is a practice where we are not striving to meditate but allowing our mind to naturally relax and find its own calm meditative state through breath embodiment. It is about embracing simplicity and allowing natural processes to lead us to our desired result of meditation.

This workshop will teach you how to easily meditate on your own and incorporate this practice into your busy life.

Benefits of Natural Meditation:

  1. Deeper Relaxation: Natural meditation via breath work that relaxes the body and calms the mind.

  2. Increased Mindfulness: Cultivates heightened mindfulness, fostering present moment awareness, and intuitive perception.

  3. Enhanced Self-Awareness: Deepens self-awareness and introspection by tapping into intuitive wisdom.

  4. Heightened Spiritual Awareness: Facilitates a heightened sense of spiritual connection or awareness for those seeking it.

  5. Overall Well-Being: Promotes overall well-being and inner peace by blending natural intuitive guidance with relaxation and meditative intention.

Book a free virtual consultation

Let’s see if we’re a fit to partner together on this transformative journey and unlock the potential already within you.